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How the Paper Industry Champions Sustainable Forestry

纸和木制品工业是促进可持续森林管理的领导者. As a condition of membership, 十大菠菜软件成员致力于可持续森林管理,并从负责任管理的森林采购木材.  

Today, U.S. forests are strong. More than 1 billion trees are planted each year in the U.S. One-third of the U.S. is forested, totaling nearly 766 million acres.


Where Does the Paper Industry Get its Trees?

A managed forest
About 2%
of working forests are harvested each year

The paper industry uses trees from healthy, 允许采伐树木的有管理的工作森林. We source our trees from 2 types of working forests:

  • Private Working Forests
  • Public Working Forests 

我国绝大多数的森林都在私有土地上. 这些公司由个人、家庭、小型和大型企业所有. 许多这样的森林世代相传.

公共工作森林包括允许采伐树木和其他商业活动的州和联邦土地. 公共工作森林不是电子竞技赌注的软件珍贵的国家公园和保护区——那些是所谓的公共非工作森林. 

美国人每天使用的用于生产基本纸张和木制品的木材中有90%来自私人, sustainably managed working forests. 

And, only about 2% of working forests are harvested each year. 

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Are Working Forests Healthy and Sustainably Managed?

A person planting a pine tree sapling.
Seedlings are planted
to continue the cycle

Responsible stewardship is crucial to a working forest. Managed working forests have been around for generations, and our business is linked to the future of these trees. 一个健康的森林意味着电子竞技赌注的软件在确保电子竞技赌注的软件未来的生产,电子竞技赌注的软件在为子孙后代保护森林.

森林是由土地所有者精心和可持续地管理的, foresters, engineers, scientists, and harvest managers. 这些专业人员帮助照顾森林,以确保树木健康. They also work to maintain the entire forest ecosystem. 

Working forests require thinking long-term. 树木的采伐是根据生长周期制定的时间表进行的. Seedlings are planted to continue the cycle. 

电子竞技赌注的软件说的不是6个月甚至6年,而是25-60年的长期规划. 仔细的采伐和种植确保森林在未来几十年里保持健康. 

In fact, more forestland in the U.S., both working and non-working, is disturbed by natural events like insects, disease and fire than is harvested. 

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How Does the Paper Industry Source Trees Responsibly?

 十大菠菜软件成员坚持可持续纤维采购原则. 采购是电子竞技赌注的软件的成员如何获得他们需要的木材来制造电子竞技赌注的软件所依赖的产品.


In 2020, 十大菠菜软件 members procured 99.通过认证的纤维采购计划,用于制造产品的森林木材纤维总量的2%.

可持续的森林管理对我国森林的未来至关重要. Healthy, 经管理的森林支持生物多样性,同时保护林地免受疾病侵害, insect infestations, invasive species, and wildfires.

Our industry will continue to:

  • Support conservation and restoration programs
  • Educate about the need for forests
  • 通过认证采购计划促进可持续森林管理实践, forest certification and other means.
National Forest Products Week
2030 Goal
Advance More Resilient U.S. Forests

今天,电子竞技赌注的软件制定了2030年可持续发展目标,以促进更具弹性的美国经济.S. forests. It’s part of our Better Practices, Better Planet 2030: Sustainable Products for a Sustainable Future initiative. 

电子竞技赌注的软件的目标是通过提高森林提供的各种价值来进一步推动电子竞技赌注的软件的努力. 比如水、碳、生物多样性、娱乐和森林产品. 

We’re doing this through:

  • 支持保护和修复项目和倡议 
  • 参与伙伴关系并投资于研究、外联和教育 
  • Promoting sustainable forest management practices 
  • 承诺在负责任的采购方面提高供应链的透明度. 

As part of Better Practices, Better Planet 2030, 十大菠菜软件成员也将继续承诺通过认证采购木材纤维.

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The American Forest & Paper Association (十大菠菜软件) serves to advance U.S. 纸张和木制品制造商通过基于事实的公共政策和市场倡导. The forest products industry is circular by nature. 十大菠菜软件成员公司利用可再生和可回收的资源生产基本产品, 生产可再生生物能源,并致力于通过行业的可持续发展倡议不断改进更好的实践,更美好的地球2030:可持续的产品,可持续的未来. 林产品工业约占美国经济总量的5%.S. manufacturing GDP, 每年生产价值约3500亿美元的产品,拥有约925名员工,000 people. 该行业每年的工资总额约为650亿美元,是43个州十大制造业雇主之一. Visit 十大菠菜软件 online at or follow us on Twitter @ForestandPaper